Today is the last school day for Abby, my 5 y.o. It's funny that on the last day of her school, she's up 30 mins early. Her breakfast was done under 15 mins and she put on her school outfit without being asked. Unlike every other mornings, where the word "hurry" always escaped from my mouth, at least 5 times. Not to mention all the whining and "can-I-have-5-more-mins" talks.
The magic of the last day of school ...
Anyway Abby puts me on summer holiday mood. So, I put on my tank top and short .. and OMG!! It's 58 F outside. I know for sure it was 65F yesterday morning. I remember my late grandma used to say about the extreme weather changes, "This is the sign that the world is gonna end!!". My sister and I would laugh at that remark, then grandma would add, "You girl don't understand. You can laugh all you want. Just wait and see ..." Then she told us how the earth got burnt or frozen. At the end of the day, those imagination really gave my sister and me a bad dream! LOL!
Now, I kinda miss her "remark", though ...
She passed away 6 years ago. I was 4 months pregnant with my first child. Nobody told me that grandma became so ill, in fear that I would get distressed and the baby would be harmed. Well, grandma lived in Indonesia. By plane, it requires at least 22 hours, not to mention transit time and reroute. Certainly not the best scenario for a first-timer pregnant lady. The irony is grandma passed away on my birthday.... I'd really love to see her one more time. The last time I saw her was December 2001 when I was visiting Indonesia to prepare my wedding. I regret that I didn't talk to her much at that time. I was so busy preparing two weddings, one was in my hometown and another one was in my hubby's hometown. Now I wish I spent more time with grandma ...
OK! Now that I'm all teary *LOL* ... let's talk about people's newest creation!
I would like to share Anastasia Beads' Spring Bouquet .. It's so pretty and I love how the color makes me feel calm. It would make a great necklace.
She post it on Ebay
6 more days left, people!! If you interested, better hurry up!! :)